دبتر فحص معدات نيوهولاند وكيس
معدات وجرارات زراعية
مع برنامج الفحص بنسختين
الاولي 9.2
الثانية 7.6
كتالوجات الصيانة
وبرنامج قطع الغيار
يمكنك التواصل معنا عبير الواتس اب
CNH DPA5 Interfaces 380002884. This interface is Working 2 CAN and K line ( for diagnostic CASE and New Holland with IVECO Engine with EASY under EST
Electronic Service Tool (EST) – used by dealership technicians to connect with machines that have a Controller Area Network (CAN) BUS as part of the electronic system architecture.
With this service tool you can:
• Check status of parameters;
• Retrieve faults;
• Run diagnostic tests;
• Make ECU and parameter programming;
• Monitor active and logged diagnostics;
• View and change ECU configuration;
• View diagnostic procedures and schematics.
• Troubleshoot problems;
• Use asist database;
• Run scope diagnostics;
E.A.S.y – additional engine diagnostic and download tool for connection directly to ECU to perform diagnostic, programming and ECU reload by K-Line protocol.
CNH Engine Download Tool operates from within the EST program to perform the following engine download operations:
• Provide Engine Control Unit (ECU) programing update capability;
• Provide blank ECU initialization and programming capability;
• Provide ECU programming reassignment for blank and other ECUs;
• Provide ECU download crash recovery.
NOTE: This DPA5 can perform diagnostic, programming and ECU reload by K-Line protocol with E.A.S.y software for Iveco engines.
Pckage :
1.Dearborn Protocol Adapter 5 (DAP5 white interface) full New interface for New holland and Case
2.Usb cable
3.New 9-pin Deutsch CNH cable
my software is 9.2 engineering level,but others software is dealer level has more functions than dealer level.and my software is with diagnostic procedure.
Electronic Service Tool 9.2 (EST) Engineering Level* (software only) – used by New Holland dealer technicians to connect with vehicles that have a Controller Area Network (CAN) BUS.
The brand new version of New Holland CNH EST works with OS Windows 7 64 bit/ 8 64 bit / 8.1 64 bit / 10 64 bit, except Home editions).
*for advanced dataset registration and a lot of hidden options programming for vehicles, raw message simulations.
The software comes as:
CNH EST installation file,
CNH EST – updates,
Diagnostic Procedures installer,
Diagnostic Procedures installer,
PC Locked Activation tool.
New minimum PC specifications
All computers must use a 64-bit version of their operating system. The older 32bit options are limited to 4 gigabytes of RAM, and cannot provide enough performance to run these programs.
Minimum Specifications
Processor: Intel Core i5 Processor or higher;
RAM Memory: 8 GB or greater;
Operating System: Windows OS: 64-bit (Mandatory)
Windows 7
Windows 8.x
Windows 10 (Recommended)
Hard Drive: 250 GB or greater;
Ports: One 9 pin Serial port (preferred) OR USB to RS-232
Converter – FTDI Chipset)
Two USB ports
10/100 Ethernet
WiFi 802.11b / g
Mobile Wireless (recommended)
The following brands of the CNH group are covered:
New Holland (Agriculture and Construction)
New Holland FK (Fiat-Kobelco)
New Holland O&K (Orenstein & Koppel)
CASE (Agriculture and Construction)
Iveco (Astra) (articulated dump trucks only)
Sumitomo (S.H.I.)
The last version of CNH EST with technical documents is 7.6.
New Holland Electronic Service Tool allows you to:
• Check the status of parameters;
• Retrieve faults;
• Run diagnostic tests;
• Make ECU and parameter programming;
• Monitor active and logged diagnostics;
• View and change ECU configuration;
• View diagnostic procedures and schematics.
• Troubleshoot problems;
• Use assist database;
• Run scope diagnostics;